crouch, touch, hold, engage.
to my blog readers (haha like i had any :p), wow it's been months since i had post something up at this piece of fossil. time to blow out the dust :D. okay, a lot has happened at the past months i.e. i finally took accolade towards Rugby which led me to join the Bandar Blacks. (image shown above was taken in our test series in Miri 13/12/2009) God, i miss playing hockey now :(. it's been a while since i wore the old padding and mask only to be hit by 90mph balls hit by a stick covered with kevlar. haha. hope anyone who is EVEN reading this, is all well. i wish you guys that. i miss the band( yes, U7S i miss you guys), i miss the sights and sounds in the school canteen and not the pain staking education in it.